Here's How Doubtful Nicki Minaj Initially Felt on Doja Cat's "Say So Remix"

Nicki Minaj concedes that she did not understand how to handle the remix of Doja Cat's "Say as much" since she was on chill mode.

Doja Cat on the Left & Nicki Minaj on the Right

Doja Cat on the Left & Nicki Minaj on the Right

Nicki Minaj pre-emptively told the world that she had stopped music a year ago before explaining that she was simply going on a break. The unbelievable female rapper has been concentrating on her family as of late, discharging an arrival single and showing up for a couple of highlights to a great extent.

Her greatest melodic appearance in months - or maybe even years, taking into account how this is her greatest outline achievement - goes ahead Doja Cat's "Say So" remix. The tune denotes the first occasion when that Doja Cat and Nicki Minaj have gone #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, at long last permitting the Queen to get some genuinely necessary sparkle.


Bits of gossip had started flying off about how Nicki Minaj was essentially asking to jump on the remix before it dropped, however she cleared up that story by guaranteeing that she really was perched on the component demand for a considerable length of time before coming through with her stanza.


"I guess I never answered this & I c u guys chatting,"  said Nicki Minaj on Twitter. "I got a text from josh @ my label saying they got a request from her label. About 2 weeks later, I got another text from Jeff @ mngmnt. I sat on it for a while cuz I couldn’t catch the beat for the life of me really. I was in full quarantine/hiatus mode. No social media. Had no clue what was going on in the music world."


Nicki must be madly satisfied with how she had the option to turn it out, checking in her first-ever #1 single before it dropped to #2 this week.


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