Cardi B Lied About Tour Cancellation According to Blogger She's Suing Tasha K "It Was Poor Ticket Sales"

UnWinewithTashaK Continues to Expose Cardi B Stating that Tour Absence and ‘Bomb Threat’ is False but That Tickets Aren’t Selling .

Apparently there are more details behind the cancellation of Cardi B’s concert in Indiana just recently as @UnwinewithTashaK just exposed some interesting and significant details about the ticket sales.


Tasha K says "Well there was NO threat! Sis had hella tickets that NOONE bought! To save herself the embarrassment, she canceled her concert 30 minutes before & used the threat excuse as a way to keep this off the books from POTENTIAL TOUR COMPANIES THAT VIEW HER AS A LIABILITY!


If u can't sell out venues & you cancel whole concerts to get your titties pumped, tour companies can't make a check. What insurance company is going to flip the bill refunding tickets because of her irresponsible/insecure ass? Like who cancels a concert to have plastic surgery? Only Insecure & Ugly People do! So they rescheduled her show as a 2nd attempt to"


@UnwinewithTashaK continued with "Receipts! This is a screenshot from a screen record that was taken from Cardi's Venue that she Canceled 30 minutes before her show was to start! She Lied! There was No Bomb Threat! Sis couldn't SELL TICKETS! LOOK AT ALL THE BLUE, OPEN SEATS! SEE MY LAST POST! "

Cardi's team relayed to TMZ that "Tasha K's counterclaims are completely frivolous and have no merit. Tasha K clearly seems to think that this lawsuit and the courts are her social media channel where she thinks that she can say anything she wants, without regard for the truth, harassing Cardi and her friends to try to gain reader to her blog at the expense of Cardi. 

This is failing, Tasha's own words in interviews and documents show that her claims are completely false. Cardi fully expects that Tasha K's claims will be dismissed, and that at the end of this case, Cardi will be victorious and Tasha K will be held accountable for the blatantly false things she has said, written and posted about Cardi, that Tasha K knew were false."

Collage Edit Courtesy of TMZ

Collage Edit Courtesy of TMZ


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