Beach Basking Spring Breakers from Florida Universities Test Positive for COVID-19

As indicated by The Hill, various understudies from the University of Tampa have tested positive for COVID-19 after understudies' spring break trips a week ago.
"If I get corona, I get corona," said Florida beachgoer Brady Sluder.
The Beachgoer Brady above can be heard dismissing the coronavirus threat and disregards caring about spreading the virus to those for which it can be fatal.

In a tweet posted on Saturday, the college expressed, “UT has been notified that five UT students, traveling together and with other UT students during Spring Break, have tested positive for COVID-19." The University of Tampa didn't decide to unveil the names of the understudies nor their movement goals.
The Hill likewise reports that the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg and the state's lead, University of Florida, have additionally detailed positive tests from various understudies. As per UF's site on Sunday, the college had 10 understudies and one worker tainted by the infection.
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