Government Shutdown of 2018 Commence
Working to hash out solution in the most heated political climate it has been.
Cyclolore Magazine x Visual via United Liberty.
On behalf of the President Trumps one year anniversary, the Federal government shutdown as fingers were pointed and the blame game wave tidied in.
The White House appoints the responsibility to Senate Democrats with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders stating, “Senate Democrats own the ‘Schumer Shutdown’”. Also stating, “This is the behavior of obstructionist losers, not legislators. When Democrats start paying our armed forces and first responders we will reopen negotiations on immigration reform.” The ultimate sound of further confliction and perpetuating the incompetence of an imminent deal on the chamber floor.
On Saturday (this morning) at 6:17 a.m. Trump the US President released his first social media response since the unproductive and embarrassing shut down saying, “Democrats are far more concerned with illegal immigrants then they are with our great military or safety at dangerous Southern Broder. They could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown Politics instead. #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18 in order to power through mess.” President Trump then follows that tweet up with “This is the one year Anniversary of my presidency and the Democrats wanted to give me a nice present. #DemocratShutdown”
In a telephone meeting with reporters, one White House Official said “You’re seeing across the board efforts by the administration and each of the agencies to minimize the impact of the Shutdown on the American People. “This shut down could very much so have devastating effects as Agencies have been enthused strategic, monetary, tactics to perpetuate operations as normal as possible for the most optimum duration. A resolve in order will progress some Federal Workers from retrieving ‘Furlough Notices’, continue Federal Law Enforcement, Airport Security checks, food inspections, Social Security, other Federal Benefit programs and military operations all continue & persist regardless. Other departments that process applications for Passports and Visas, Approval of Drilling Applications at the Bureau of Land Management and consideration of Applications for Small Business loans. Affecting the data on Retail Sales, Housing Starts, and a monthly Federal report on Industrial Production all of the Commerce Department.
With statistics from our last government shutdown in 2013 that suggest via Standard and Poor’s estimate “a shaved project growth of 3 percent growth down to 2.4 percent, at a cost of $24 Billion to the overall economy.” This bureaucratically degrading fiasco is truly a rude awakening, sucker punch to our economic gain thus temporarily our sustainability
Immigration Policy
Immigration reform has a lot to do with the friction that has clogged up the doors of our government to cause this shutdown on the heels of President Trump shocking comment of "why do we want all these people from 'S**th*le Countries' coming here" saying that instead of these countries we need more people from places like the widest countries known on earth like Norway, and in reference to immigrants like Haitians to “get them out.”
Democrats pulled back on a consideration to approve funding to push for protections for so-called dreamers in whom undocumented immigrants brought into the US illegally as children. Democrats are allegedly holding hostage President Barack Obama offered protections from deportation to about 200,000 in California, of the approximately 800,000 of them. Though a court had kept in perpetuation, for now, President Donald Trump has moved to end it as Republicans have deemed the program unconstitutional overreach of executive power.