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Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and Billboard Vilify Tekashi 6ix9ine Payola Claims

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber discredit Tekashi 6ix9ine's case that they purchased their No. 1 diagram spot

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Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber's "Stuck With U" just appeared at No. 1, yet not every person is celebrating. Tekashi 6ix9ine is asserting that the pop stars purchased their top spot on the current week's Billboard Hot 100, after his opponent single "GOOBA" slowed down at No. 3. Grande, Bieber, and even Billboard have stood up, denying his preposterous allegations.


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On Monday, the dubious rapper cried misrepresentation on Instagram, labeling @Billboard and subtitling an almost four-minute video bluster with the capslocked affirmation: “CAUGHT CHEATING. YOU’RE A LIE AND CORRUPT. YOU GOT CAUGHT CHEATING AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW.”


“So listen — I want the world to know that Billboard is a lie. You can buy No. 1s on Billboard,” 6ix9ine said in the video post. He proceeded to guarantee that his "ongoing investigation" had uncovered that Grande and Bieber's group had utilized “six credit cards” to purchase "30,000 units," so as to expand “Stuck With U’s” numbers not long before a week ago's diagram cutoff time.


The rapper additionally pulled up a screen capture of a spreadsheet on his telephone, which he guaranteed gave proof that Billboard had “illegally disqualified” around 20 million "GOOBA" streams to close him out of the No. 1 spot. He said his group had connected with Billboard for a clarification concerning how the current week's numbers were counted, however had been told, "We can’t disclose that information.”



“Billboard doesn’t want no one to know this,” 6ix9ine stated. He later posted a photograph of himself holding up six charge cards, kidding, “Don’t worry we going #1 next time.”


Both Grande and Bieber took to Instagram to dishonor 6ix9ine's story. Grande posted an extensive remark on an Instagram photograph of the Hot 100 outline. “I would like to address a few things which i don’t usually do (i don’t give my energy to drama or strange accusations normally but this has gone a little too far) fans bought the song,” Grande's post started.


“JUSTIN’S fans bought the song. OUR fans bought this song (never more than four copies each, AS THE RULES STATE). they are ride or die mother***ers and i thank god every day that i have them in my life. not just when they fight for us to win (even when i ask them not to as i did this week) but because they’re some of the greatest people i know. sales count for more than streams. u can not discredit this as hard as u try.”


Grande likewise got out 6ix9ine's sexism, including: “To anybody that is displeased with their placement on the chart this week or who is spending their time racking their brain thinking of as many ways as they can to discredit hardworking women (and only the women for some reason.....), i ask u to take a moment to humble yourself. be grateful you’re even here. that people want to listen to u at all. it’s a blessed position to be in. i’ve had a lot of ‘almost number ones’ in my career and i never said a goddamn thing because I FEEL GRATEFUL TO EVEN BE HERE. TO WANT TO BE HEARD AT ALL .... and you should feel that way too.”


Bieber additionally reacted, through his Instagram Stories, resounding Grande's key point: that a solitary Mastercard can just purchase a limit of four units, accordingly making it outlandish that six cards could have made such a gigantic buy. “[6ix9ine] is counting his global streams and this is a domestic chart. 60,000 units came because we don’t disclose our numbers until end of week. That’s called strategy. He said 30k was bought with 6 credit cards but that is a lie,” Bieber composed. He additionally protected his two part harmony accomplice, saying, “This is my song with Ariana Grande and I’m honored to work with her to help raise money for a great cause. If you gonna say her name make sure you say mine because it’s our song.”


Scooter Braun, who oversees both Grande and Bieber, didn't discharge his own official articulation of forswearing, however he did reiterate via twitter the First Responders Children's Foundation and Grande's joint post on his Twitter, which appeared to call attention to — as Bieber had — that "Stayed With U" is in reality a charity beneficial cause single.


Lastly, things came to such a head, that by Monday night, Billboard itself got included, invalidating 6ix9ine's charges in a story on its site that separated exactly how the current week's outline numbers were determined. The article clarified that while "GOOBA" had more worldwide streams than "Stuck With U," the diagram just tallied streams from inside the United States.


“Overall, ‘Stuck With U’ drew 28.1 million U.S. streams, 26.3 million in radio airplay audience and 108,000 sold in the tracking week. ‘GOOBA’ had 55.3 million U.S. streams, 172,000 in radio airplay audience and 24,000 sold. Those sums resulted in the songs’ respective rankings on this week’s Hot 100,” the article read.


Billboard additionally denied the idea that six visa cards were utilized to purchase 30,000 units, demanding that Billboard and Nielsen Music/MRC Data check to guarantee that dubious mass buys aren't cushioning marketing projections. Bulletin hypothesized that Bieber and Grande's very late deals spike was most likely because of signed CDs that went marked down in the two specialists' online stores last Thursday.

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